Using LinkedIn Polls for Business Growth

July 20 2021

Creating polls has never been more fun on LinkedIn!

Why use them? The organic impressions of posts including a poll have a significantly higher percentage than an average post.

How to drive engagement with LinkedIn polls?
Add a question. Add between 2 and 4 options for voters to choose from. The default duration for polls is a week, but you can change it on your preferences.

Keep in mind, the question and poll options need to be clear and easy to understand.

A well-defined content strategy sets the foundations for your future tactical decisions and is unique to your situation. Reach out to us for more information.

How do Your Posts get People’s Attention?

July 20 2021

The people’s attention is reduced due to a large amount of content. Be concise. Say as much as possible in fewer sentences.

If you do not know where to start creating content for your business, Peak Profile will be happy to help you!

Why Do People Follow Businesses on Social Media?

July 20 2021

If you want people to follow you, then give them a reason!

Why do people follow businesses on social media?
1 Motivates them
2 Inspires them
3 Entertains them
4 Allows them to learn new things
5 Saves them money
6 Saves them time
7 Makes life easier for them
8 Strengthens their personality

For more business profile growth tips, you can contact us today!

How to Start on Instagram from Scratch?

July 20 2021

Coca Cola sold only 25 bottles in its first year. What is their secret? They did not give up.

Start today.
Set a plan.
Determine your target group.
Add value.

In the end, invite your followers to action!! To like, share, comment on your posts! And that’s a start!

Facebook & Instagram New Feature: Hide “Like Count”

July 20 2021

After two years of testing, Facebook introduces a new feature that can hide the “likes” you received on a post.

The main reason for the new feature is because many users were “suffering” when they have a small number of likes.

The company will soon let everyone choose to hide the number of likes on both social networks, and only the owner of a specific profile will be able to see the number of likes.

Would you activate this feature on your profile?

LinkedIn Industry News

July 20 2021

Let’s talk about something of great benefit – The LinkedIn industry list.

It contains 148 industries in total, some familiar, some less.

What’s great about LinkedIn is that it allows you to search through each of the industries. You can scroll till you drop, looking for an ideal client or lead.

LinkedIn has the utmost potential of being everybody’s favourite social media platform with all its information.

In which industry does your business belong?

Do you Need Social Media in 2021?

July 20 2021

Do you need social media in 2021?
Yes, you do. Here’s why:

#1 Build awareness: If people don’t know your business, they can’t be your customers
#2 Communicate authority: Your business profile will make the first impression of your business to the customers
#3 Show authenticity: Customers don’t like severe corporate-like posts. Show them what you are. Always be authentic and real
#4 Encourage engagement: You can play with the new ways to connect with the audience
#5 Provide support: Instead of calling a customer line, people turn to Facebook or Instagram. Develop yourself as a responsive and caring brand.

Build an Instagram Brand in 7 Steps

July 20 2021

1 Use relevant hashtags
2 Post regularly
3 Connect with other Instagram accounts
4 Create videos
5 Communicate clearly how you can help
6 Make a perfect design
7 Follow the trends

Peak Profile can help you with all the steps to build a strong brand on Instagram.

Using LinkedIn Sales Navigator for Prospecting

July 20 2021

You may already be using the Sales Navigator, but if you are not familiar with its benefits, continue reading!

The Sales Navigator has tremendous potential for prospecting leads. To use it like a pro, we give you few tips:
1 Target people who have changed job recently
2 Target people who are active on LinkedIn
3 Target people who follow your company LinkedIn page
4 Use keywords in your search

If you don’t have time or experience to prospect through Sales Navigator, Peak Profile will help you to find and reach out to prospects easily.

Writing Articles on LinkedIn

July 20 2021

Writing articles on LinkedIn is beneficial. How? You stand out from your competition.

While thousands of articles are published daily, how to catch your audience attention?

1 Be useful
2 Be consistent
3 Reply to all post comments

Have you ever written an article on LinkedIn? How’s your experience?

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